
Melvin Fromm Jr Instrumental Music

A lifetime of dedicated faith, boundless enthusiasm and true passion for the art of music, have led Melvin Fromm Jr. into a sonic whirlwind of creativity, imagination and inspiration. From his hometown in Lancaster County, PA, he began to write, produce & record his own stunning & stylistic instrumental songs in mid 2015 and soon found his highly-adaptable talents were suited to many facets of music found all the way around the globe. With an impressive 200+ countries putting Melvin’s songs on the radio – it became clear that music-fans from all over the world were truly connecting to his rhythms & melodies. As his growth continues so does his fan base which continues to support his every move. His instrumentals are also featured with different styles of tones to keep fans wanting more. Composer Melvin Fromm Jr. has 234 songs added so far to the number #1 background environmental music company in Asia with daily plays in the hundreds and growing stronger each passing day as Melvin’s music has the potential to be heard in thousands of restaurants, retail outlets, shopping malls, hotels across south east Asia in countries like Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand,and Indonesia. Melvin’s music is also starting to get play at Dairy Queen, Domino Pizza, and Dunkin Donuts worldwide. Melvin is always so thankful for God’s help with his powerful hand in making of his music.

First of all tell us about the start of your professional career?

A lifetime of dedicated faith, boundless enthusiasm and true passion for the art of music, have led me into a sonic whirlwind of creativity, imagination and inspiration. From my hometown in Lancaster County, PA, I began to write, produce & record my own stunning & stylistic instrumental songs in mid 2015 and soon found my highly-adaptable talents were suited to many facets of music found all the way around the globe. With an impressive 200+ countries putting my songs on the radio – it became clear that music-fans from all over the world were truly connecting to my rhythms & melodies. As my growth continues so does my fan base which continues to support my every move in music.
What attracted you to begin a career as an composer?

Why do you feel this is the ideal profession for you? I was writing a letter to my then girlfriend Percy  (now my wife) and thought wow this sounds like a country song so from that letter I wrote a song called “What I Feel” and with the grace of God it open up a talent I never knew I had in me before.

How do you like to be managed?

What sort of management style gets the best out of you professionally? I have had many people want to manage my music composer career but no one works as hard as I do to keep getting my music out and racking up the contacts that can lead to a lot more contacts as this seems to work best for me.

What advice would you give to beginners who are nervous?

If you really want to do it you have to work hard at it and don’t take no’s or not good enough to heart push throught it keep working and look for the yes it’s good but beaware of what people have to offer also don’t give all your rights away of your music. You have to work hard and be smart. Dont jump at first offers that comes your way check them all out good you dont want to get a bad deal and make someone else money as you get nothing. I have had a lot of offers and most where very bad for me so I passed on them as I always read the fine print in all things. Always be yourself and be thankful to people that help you. So if you feel it in your heart go for it good luck and lean on God he is all you can truly trust as things truly unfold in your music path.
What’s your motto or the advice you live by?

Keep trying and never give up in life.

What was your most memorable performance to date?

Having the chance to be working on a lot of new music for overseas and Asia as background music in public places as I have been asked to submit all the music I can make and what music they feel they can use will be picked up placed and played in public places as background music. So it’s a big ongoing project in my life right now and I’m so thankful to God for the chance.

Since beginning your career tell me about a situation that has made you proud. Why was this, and what was the outcome?

An in depth 2018 Warlock Asylum International news site interview called “Interview with composer Melvin Fromm Jr. – his life, music, and faith in God” that was released to over 129 countries as it was one of the best interviews released international of all the interviews I have done to date as it got all sides of my life. Well for the outcome you can go to and read the interview for yourself.

Who is your role model and why?

Joel Osteen because he always preaches about God’s goodness in life as life is full of bad things or bad set backs as I always focus on the goodness of God in my life to keep my day happy and moving forward not matter what happens in life.
How can we follow you on social media ?

Find Melvin @ and be on the lookout for this talented artist.