Interviews Music

Let’s Meet The Rising Rockstar Blvck Jagger

Celebs Fans Team: How would you introduce yourself in one line?
Blvck Jagger:
The International Super Galactic Rockstar. Blvck Jagger Big Chief of the Harvest

Celebs Fans Team: What brought your into music
Blvck Jagger:
I followed my heart and I’ll continue to do that. It’s my mission to spread positivity and goodness, and light up the world.

Celebs Fans Team: Saw the promo of “Welcome 2 L.A.” it’s amazing.
Blvck Jagger
: Wow I’m humbled, thank you. It’s really just a blessing to do what I was purposed for and people love it. I want you to know your amazing too.

Celebs Fans Team: Lyrics, vocals, composition or production, what’s the most important ingredient? Can you put them in most important order?
Blvck Jagger:
The composition, I believe this is the initial step. To create the canvas to create the setting the theme for the delivery is very important then, Melody there has to be a marriage of a complete ideal and concept so there’s a natural flow to the song. Then the Lyrics, which is a conversation with yourself and The Creator. Lastly the production is the completion.

Celebs Fans Team: Watching your music video, one can assume you love performing, do you?
Blvck Jagger:
Performing absolutely my most favorite thing to do in this world.

Celebs Fans Team: You love to be a part of this music industry?
Blvck Jagger:
I love to create music.

Celebs Fans Team: Do you sing in the shower too? What songs?
Blvck Jagger:
Of course I write a lot of songs in the shower. I love Bill Withers. Good songs to sing in the shower lol.

Celebs Fans Team: You mostly work as independent artist or you prefer working with a label?
Blvck Jagger:
Well I love being a signed independent artist because we have flexibility.

Celebs Fans Team: If anyone want to stay in touch with you, what’s the best way?
Blvck Jagger:
You can find me at and @blvckjagger on IG and Twitter.

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