
Latest Interview With Australia model, actor, singer, song writer Marion Julius

Marion Julius from Australia model, actor, singer, song writer, influencer and Author. I have experience in the fashion industry when I was younger I worked in fashion retail stores where I was selling a variety of brands and labels from shoes to clothing and accessories. Fashion has always been a part of my life since an early age I had an interest in fashion I was always organizing fashion parades at school. My photos range from plain and simple to wild and glamour I’ve posed for glamour photographers and also take my own photos.

Marion has been on front covers of magazines such as PENIDA, Only Monday, KNOW and 17:23 The international magazines which can be bought at Magcloud online in both digital and in print. Marion’s photos can also been seen now and again in billboards in London, New York and in Las Vegas.

Q: First of all tell us about the start of your professional career?

It started out as a hobby something I’d do in my spare time as time went on it became more of a regular thing.

Q: What advice would you give to beginners who are nervous?

When you start block out all things and let it come out of you nervous thoughts or feeling will go.

Q:When you decide it’s time to make Leap of Faith”, is that more exciting or stressful?

Exciting and less stressful because you’ve got up and did it accomplished it.

Q: How easily do songs tend to come to you?

Naturally I can be anywhere and words just come.

Q: What’s your motto or the advice you live by?

Always believe in yourself and never give up.

Q: What is you favorite song to belt out at the bar/in the car right now?

Favorite song at the moment of mine is at the devils door the movie inspired me to do it as I am a huge horror movie fan.

Q :What are your future goals as a music artist?

Do songs when I can if it goes further that’s great if it doesn’t that’s okay the experience was wonderful.

Q: What was your most memorable performance to date?

As yet I haven’t performed for an actual audience if that day was to come every moment would be memorable. I haven’t really wanted to perform as yet maybe in future someday when the time is right.

Q :How can we follow you on social media ??

I can be found at Spotify and Soundcloud under my name Marion Julius.

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